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Welcome to the help page of the MooseWrap site. Currently, all we have in store is a quick rundown of the interface. Sooner or later, there will probably be a troubleshooting FAQ here, if the need arises.

On to the...
Interface description:

This is the main layout of MooseWrap.
The right hand side of the window contains the file selector. The topmost part of it lets you select what to do with files that are activated: Open them as a wrap, or Add them to the current wrap (which, of course, may be empty). Just below the radio button bar is the file tree. It will default to whatever file you last opened/added. At the bottom of the file selector is a combo box with which you can select what types of files to show in the tree view above. It defaults to *.mp3, since that is the type of files most generally used when wrapping.

On the left hand side of the window is the wrap list. It shows the contents of the current wrap, with information about checksums, what number each track is and what filename it has. Just below the list is a progress bar which will, together with the accompanying stop-button, become enabled when checksumming is in progress. Below that is a notebook of functions, settings and information related to the current wrap. The Info tab (not shown here) shows basic information about the wrap, of what format it is and a few ID3 tags such as Title and Artist etc. The Unwrap tab (shown here) allows you to unwrap the current wrap and comes with a few options: When Unwrap selected only is checked, only the substreams currently selected in the list above will be unwrapped. If none are selected, none will unwrap. When Create subdirectories is checked, directories below the target directory you choose will be created according following a format using ID3 tags. When Rewrite filenames is checked, the filenames from the wrap will be overridden by the substream's ID3 tags, according to a format. The formats mentioned above can be set by clicking the ... button to the right of the option. That will bring up a dialog box like the one
below. Finally, you can press the Unwrap... button, which will give you a file selector and then take you to this screen.
The only parts left unexplained are the top and the bottom. In the bottom of the screen there is a status bar. The rightmost corner shows the format of the current wrap and the rest shows descriptions of menu items, when highlighted. The menu bar lets you do all the normal stuff of an application, Open, Save, etc. The settings menu has currently got two options:
- Auto-validate streams. Wraps with checksums will automatically be validated when opened.
- Auto-checksum streams. The substreams of any stream will automatically be calculated on opening the wrap.

This is the Edit tags window, which you reach from the Edit menu. Here you can add, remove and alter the ID3 tags of the wrap. It can be a little bit tricky though.
Track contents are changed by clicking on the row you want to change, to select it, and then clicking on the left part, below the contents heading. This will give you a text field in which to type the new text.
To add a tag, select the appropriate type from the combo-box just above the buttons, then press New tag. This will add a tag of the selected type to the list above. To set its data, follow the procedure outlined above.
To remove a tag, simply select it and click Remove tag.

This is an example of a format dialog. This one is for the format used when creating directories (which will only be done if that box is checked in the Unwrap tab above). First look at the bottom. Between the rows of buttons are two labels showing the format as it's being defined and an example of what you will get out of it, using ID3 data from the current wrap. Here the format is "Artist/Album". Artist will in this wrap be replaced by &qout;Moloko" and Album by "Statues". This allows you to unwrap without having to create the appropriate directories, or renaming files, manually. The format is created by selecting a type from the list and either press Add or double-click. The only special entry is the first one: Freeform string. When selected, the text field above the Add and Remove buttons will become enabled and you can type anything you want there. When you then press Add, that text will be added to the format. You can have any number of freeform strings in a format. They do not interfere with eachother. BTW: the "-----------------" entry is also a bit special in that it is only a delimiter and not a real entry. It cannot be added to the format, but is there to separate the topmost entries, which get replaced by metadata from the current wrap, and the entries below, which are short, often-used strings to make it easier to just "click together" a format.

This is the Unwrap dialog. It gives you a rundown of what files will be created when unwrapping. If the Create directories box is checked in the Unwrap tab above, there will also be a text field showing what path will be created. It can be changed manually if you wish. Then there is a status field showing what's going on, a progress bar which will start ticking when (if?) you press Ok. You can also click Cancel, if you notice that something is amiss, for example if Unwrap selected only is checked, but no tracks are selected or vice-versa.

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